sobota, 26. februar 2011

Happy birthday-vse najboljse

This post will be in english that everyone will understand. Hope that my english is good enough and that I won't make too many mistakes :) So about the new card. It was made for one of my male friends, who's celebrating his 25th birthday. He's throwing a party tonight...yea :)) Two years ago he introduced me with (now) my boyfriend :) so now I can "repay" him with very special card made just for him. Well this friend of mine likes to play football..he's fan of Chelsea and he loves to snowboard and play hockey on roller skates. ...and because his roller skates are I don't know..damaged, junk or..whatever :) we decided to buy him a new one...:) This short summary is that you'll understand what's going on the card :) Hope you'll love it..'cause I sure do :)

Voščilnico bom prijavila na naslednje izzive:
Simon says stamp challenge - coffee and cream
Craft your passion - voščilnica za moške
A spoon full of sugar - birthday wishes
DYSU - anything goes ( po želji)

7 komentarjev:

  1. cool card Dasa, I´m sure your friend will like this great card
    thanks for joining the DYSU challenge this week

  2. So very cute! er, handsome. You really did make him a very special card. I’m glad you joined us for the DYSU Anything Goes challenge & hope to see you again!

  3. Všeč mi je, uspelo ti je narediti res tako pravo moško čestitko in ideja o gardeori in vratih in o rolerjih, ki jih vzames iz darila je res dobra.

  4. It's so cool! Love the details. Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  5. Brilliant card - I'm sure your friend will love it!! Thanks for joining us at DYSU xx

  6. This is REALLY cool!! I love the little suitcase! VERY CLEVER!!! Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp!!!

  7. Fantastic card ..... love it!!! Love all the clever little details.
    Diane x
