ponedeljek, 13. februar 2012

Valentinovo 4

Le še nekaj ur nas loči do tega srčkastega praznika! Moram povedati, da mi je čestitko naročilo kar nekaj moških prijateljev kar me je zelo razveselilo. Fantje se očitno še potrudijo za punce :) Lepo! 
Danes objavljal dve, ki sta nastali za različen namen.

First one: I had this idea for a while and I was just waiting for my new HA stamp to arrive. When I recieved it, I immediately start. I used only one stamp - WOODGRAIN BG :)

Second one: I made for my friend, he will give it to his (girl)friend tomorrow. He didn't want any hearts of "I love you" sentiments. I had lots of problems with this card, I didn't stamp well so..I wanted to throw it away..but then I combined all together..so here it is :)

Simon Says Challenge - "Love is in the air"

I will participate for the firs time on "Just Us Girls" Challenge where you have to add the button in the centre!

Since I'm over with my exams I started cleaning my (craft) room. I decided to take photos of my room so you can see how I cleaned my craft things :))


5 komentarjev:

  1. Aha, to je bila tiste z drevesom, tudi tvoja je zelo domiselna in lepo si jo naredila. Tudi druga je zelo lušna. In zdaj, ko je vse pospravljeno se lahko ponovno začne ustvarjalno razmetavanje :))

  2. Obe sta zelo domiselni in zelo lepi, posebni, LP:)

  3. LOVE me some GOOD organization AND fabulous card craft! Yeahoooo! Great job! Thanks for sharing your card {s} with Just Us Girls!

  4. Fun cards, Dasa! I'm so glad you added your name to the Moxie Fab World Blog Roll. I'm looking forward to stopping by from time to time!
