Mami me je prosila, da naj naredim dva škratka za dva škratka :) Za novorojenčka Naceta in njegovo eno leto staro sestrično Vesno. Z izdelovanjem le-teh sem kar nekaj časa odlašala, ker se mi ni ljubilo rezati :) Danes pa vam ju postavljam na ogled :) Odločila sem se, da ju prijavim tudi na slovenski izziv - CRAFT-alnico, kjer je tema "pravljično". Upam, da sta dovolj pravljična :)
Če bi želeli imeti katerega izmed izdelkov ali pa kaj več izvedeti, me lahko kontaktirate na
sobota, 28. julij 2012
četrtek, 26. julij 2012
Black and white
Just a quick post for CAS-ual fridays...I decided to do another one for challenge...I will post another - better photo in few minutes :)
I'm entering this card also at Simon Says Stamp Challenge - anything goes
I'm entering this card also at Simon Says Stamp Challenge - anything goes
sreda, 25. julij 2012
First time black
...yep I made my very first BLACK card :) I decided to try it out because I saw a challenge at CAS-ual Fridays where the theme is "Back in black". I combined few challenges -again :) I love when challenges inspire me. I added paper flower in the middle and I didn't know should I add a frame or not..well in the end I decided to add it :) VSE NAJBOLJŠE means HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Even though I'm not a fan of black I have to say that I like the card. It looks so different from my other cards. I'm entering it also at Simon Says challenge (anything goes).
Well I love Lucy's cards. And I often check here photostream. This time I was inspired by this card. I'm entering this also for A Blog Named Hero Challenge - inspired by Hero Arts Artists
ponedeljek, 23. julij 2012
Inspired by...
I'm always inspired by Lucy's cards and her butterflies! So I combined three challenges...HA challenge, challenge at A blog named Hero where we have to be inspired by..."choose a Hero artist"...and Moxie Fab Challenge- the congratulations card... so here is my card :)

petek, 20. julij 2012
Triglav 2864m
Tale objava pa ne bo čestitkarska! Včeraj sem prvič osvojila Triglav. Občutek je fantastičen in sem ga želela deliti tudi z vami :) Zdej sem pa taprava sLOVEnka :)
petek, 13. julij 2012
Special strips
I made this "You're special" card for two challenges! :) It sure is special for me and I don't know yet if I like it or not :) I made it for Runway Inspired Challenge and for CAS-ual Fridays...if it counts as a CAS card :)
torek, 10. julij 2012
I'm back
I'm back with my cards :) I had brake for one month because I was studying for my last exams :) and it's so hot here that I prefer staying out. Anyway my post will be short, just showing you two cards I've made today.
Since I used "text" I'll enter both of the cards to CAS-ual Fridays challenge :)
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