Na spletu sem zasledila matematično obarvan čestitkarski izziv in se odločila v njem sodelovati. Kartica je čisto preprosta. Izrezala sem ji krog in za ozadje prilepila paus papir. Na paus sem nato narisala bele pike 😁 Ne morem brez pikic, priznam. Odtisnila sem vse najboljše in dodala meni ljubega neat and tangled medvedka ❤️
Piši, riši, strizi ...
Če bi želeli imeti katerega izmed izdelkov ali pa kaj več izvedeti, me lahko kontaktirate na
torek, 19. februar 2019
torek, 22. januar 2019
Alkoholni tuši
Nedeljo ali dve nazaj smo se z družino odpeljali v Izolo na enodnevni izlet. Slučajno sem opazila, da bo dan zatem v Rayherjevi trgovinici vse 30% znižano. Mojega dragega sem zelo previdno vprašala, če bi se mogoče ustavili v Tušu in obljubila, da bom samo 5min v trgovini 😁😂 Hitro sem stekla gor in si nabrala že dolgo željene alkoholne tuše. Prodajalko sem nato prosila, da mi da paketek na stran do naslednjega dne (ko bo vse znižano) in prosila prijateljico, ki živi v Kopru, da mi paket prevzame. Še isti dan, ko sem dobila paketek domov v Kranj, sem morala stestirati tuše. V trenutku sem bila zasvojena 😍 Nastalo je že kar nekaj kartic, ki vam jih pokažem spodaj
A ne izpade tole ozadje čist hudo? 😍
Prvo prijavljam tudi na CRAFT-alnico; zimske radosti ❤️
A ne izpade tole ozadje čist hudo? 😍
Prvo prijavljam tudi na CRAFT-alnico; zimske radosti ❤️
četrtek, 27. december 2018
Božična darila - Christmas gifts
It's my time of the little one is getting bigger and I was able to take some time to create. I just love buying in giving presents, especially when I know what someone wants :) This year I took time to make special wrapping since we made cards with our little one :)
I used only recycled material. I made my own wrapping paper :))) I put all the stamps on the top of the misti and I repeatedly stamped on the wrapping paper :)

I used only recycled material. I made my own wrapping paper :))) I put all the stamps on the top of the misti and I repeatedly stamped on the wrapping paper :)
I decided to do my own DIY Christmas bows. I used distress ink and Neat and Tangled stencil HEXASTAR. Then I cut the paper on thin ribbons and glue everything together :)
Then there was a lot of stamping, coloring, cutting and ENJOYING :))) And I made my first "bottle" tag for my dad's alcohol :)

I apologize to my Slovene co-crafters because this post is only in English...but I decided to take part at N&T THROWDOWN - GIFT WRAP ENSEMBLE CHALLENGE :)
I'm submitting these gift wrappings to Simon Says Wednesday Challenge - anything goes and to CRAFT-alnica - prazniki pred vrati

torek, 31. julij 2018
It's been a while since I wrote my last blog post....buuuuut 3 days ago I saw NEAT AND TANGLED THROWDOWN - CRAFTING WITH COMPASSION CHALLENGE!
I know I already told you I love this company...I really adore ANIMALS and their animal stamps are just too cute to resist :) so when I saw their challenge I knew I HAVE TO participate.
Firstly I have to tell you that I am not around much because I have almost 4 months old little boy at home and he has my full attention right now. You have to know that it was really challenging to create these four cards in 2 days with baby boy at home.
Here is my story....
I always wanted a dog but since we live(d) in a flat, my parents didn't allow me to have it. Well 5 years ago when I was going to move in with my boyfriend, we decided to have a dog together. I saw a puppy on the local "shelter" web page and I immediatly fell in love. We decided to adopt this little puppy. Her name was PEIA and we decided to keep the same name. Since April 27th 2013 she is the member of our family <3
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This is the photo when I saw her for the first time <3 |
so...when we adopted her we became "attached" to our local shelter. It is actually not a shelter but I don't know how to translate it. There are only volunteer members who take care of abandoned animals (mostly cats and dogs) and once in a month they raise money with "bidding auction" on the FB. Members and others "sell" handmade items. I helped them with my cards and I have also invited other crafters from Slovenia to help me.
(by taking care I mean provide food and vetenerian...take them in their own homes and take care of the animals 24/7...they take care of sterilization and much more....I really admire their work <3)
Twice a year they help raising money with collecting old paper...I don't know how is in other countries but here in Slovenia if you collect tonnes of paper you get some I regularly keep all our newspapers and flyers so I can help them with that as well :)
(by taking care I mean provide food and vetenerian...take them in their own homes and take care of the animals 24/7...they take care of sterilization and much more....I really admire their work <3)
Twice a year they help raising money with collecting old paper...I don't know how is in other countries but here in Slovenia if you collect tonnes of paper you get some I regularly keep all our newspapers and flyers so I can help them with that as well :)
ponedeljek, 26. marec 2018
Emilija 5. rojstni dan
Lepo pozdravljene,
včeraj je hčerka moje sestrične praznovala svoj 5. rojstni dan, zato sem ji naredila nekaj okraskov, ki so krasili njeno zabavo. Najprej sem se lotila plastenk vode, saj jih otroci pogosto zamenjajo. Uporabila sem neat and tangled štampiljke ter rezalne šablone abecede :) Črke sem izrezala iz moosgumi pene za 3d efekt. Odločila sem se, da ji naredim tudi zastavice z imenom, in ker je njena najljubša barva vijolična, sem le-te okrasila z vijoličnimi črkami (izrezala sem jih kar na pamet) in ozadje okrasila s temi prikupnimi neat and tangled štampiljkami. :) Nazadnje sem naredila še voščilnico in nekaj okraskov za mafine. Če sem iskrena, mafinov potem niti nisem odnesla, saj je bilo že tako preveč sladkarij...sem jih pa pojedla sama :) hehe :)
p.s. komaj čakam, da bom lahko krasila zabave svojega otročička :) Pekle bodo pa babice :)
My cousin's daughter celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday so I decided to make her some party essentials :) It was perfect for Neat and tangled challenge and I really ADORE their products :) I started with water bottles. Since young children often mix their bottles, I decided to stamp the background and add some foam letters. I used many Neat and Tangled stamps and N&T alphabet die for the letters. Secondly I created banners with her name - EMILIJA and I chose purple colour, since it is her favourite colour :) I cut the letters by hand and created stamped background from many N&T stamps :) I added glittery number 5 :) Lastly I created a simple birthday card and some muffin decorations.
If I am honest I didn't give her muffins because there was already enough candy on the party :)
I really enjoyed making her these cute essentials :) Hope you like it...she did :)
P.S. I can't wait to make some party decor for my little one.....still waiting for him/her :) Hope he/she arrives soon :)
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This is how I look right now :))) Few days to go :) |
I'm submitting these to NEAT & TANGLED CHALLENGE - party ensemble :)

Supplies used: Neat and Tangled Journaling alphas - dies, Beary Merry, Prehistoric, Kitty's favourite things, Into the woods, Beach day, Flamingo Floatie, Purrrfect :)
četrtek, 1. marec 2018
Bundle of joy - heavy photo alert
Danes samo na hitro v slovenšč zvečer dopisala še kaj in priložila druge fotke-te sem namreč slikala ponoči.
Ker v roku enega meseca pričakujemo novega člana, sem se morala odpovedati svoji doooooolgi (2,5m) mizi. Prejšnji teden sva odšla v Ikeo in mi kupila novo mizo in pripomočke za moj mali ustvarjalni kotiček v dnevni sobi :) (slike sledijo drugič). In moram priznati, da sem navdušena - čisto sem padla v ustvarjanje in Winnie & Walter Birthday Bash mi je dal pravi zagon.
Glede na to, da imam že res ogromen trebuh in me daje nespečnost...sem v zadnjih 3 dneh naredila 7 kartic, kar je zame rekord :)
Spodaj jih objavljam in hkrati obljubljam, da naložim še nove fotke, ko bom slikala pri dnevni svetlobi.
In a month we are expecting our first baby :) ....and because of our little bundle of joy is on the way, I got my new craft corner in the living room. We went to Ikea last week and I have to admit I'm loving the new desk. I got my mojo back and I have to thank Winnie&Walter Birthday Bash challenges :)
I made 7 cards in last 3 days, which is a record for me. Unfortunatly my photos are not best quality, since I took photos at night. I will upload better photos tomorrow - I promise :)
I made these cards:
INSPIRATION CHALLENGE WITH GAYATRI - you can see the inspiration photo at the end of the post
I used Winnie and Walter Welcome to the family stamp set, Neat and Tangled stamp set+stencils, Copic and Zig markers and Mama Elephant frame die :)

četrtek, 8. februar 2018
Vse najboljše - happy birthday
I'm participating at Papertrey ink sketch challenge :) I was really happy to see that they have their anniversary going on right now and I have a lot of spare time to craft :)
I chose Heather's sketch to play with :)

I know I'm repeating myself but I really wish I had more versatile sentiments in Slovene language. I used Papertrey ink plane die and stamp, Neat and tangled sentiment, Paper Smooches stamp (cloud) and Mama Elephant scalloped dies :)
Thanks for stopping by :)
I chose Heather's sketch to play with :)

I know I'm repeating myself but I really wish I had more versatile sentiments in Slovene language. I used Papertrey ink plane die and stamp, Neat and tangled sentiment, Paper Smooches stamp (cloud) and Mama Elephant scalloped dies :)
Thanks for stopping by :)
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