Lepo pozdravljene,
včeraj je hčerka moje sestrične praznovala svoj 5. rojstni dan, zato sem ji naredila nekaj okraskov, ki so krasili njeno zabavo. Najprej sem se lotila plastenk vode, saj jih otroci pogosto zamenjajo. Uporabila sem
neat and tangled štampiljke ter rezalne šablone abecede :) Črke sem izrezala iz moosgumi pene za 3d efekt. Odločila sem se, da ji naredim tudi zastavice z imenom, in ker je njena najljubša barva vijolična, sem le-te okrasila z vijoličnimi črkami (izrezala sem jih kar na pamet) in ozadje okrasila s temi prikupnimi neat and tangled štampiljkami. :) Nazadnje sem naredila še voščilnico in nekaj okraskov za mafine. Če sem iskrena, mafinov potem niti nisem odnesla, saj je bilo že tako preveč sladkarij...sem jih pa pojedla sama :) hehe :)
p.s. komaj čakam, da bom lahko krasila zabave svojega otročička :) Pekle bodo pa babice :)
My cousin's daughter celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday so I decided to make her some party essentials :) It was perfect for
Neat and tangled challenge and I really ADORE their products :) I started with water bottles. Since young children often mix their bottles, I decided to stamp the background and add some foam letters. I used many
Neat and Tangled stamps and N&T alphabet die for the letters. Secondly I created banners with her name - EMILIJA and I chose purple colour, since it is her favourite colour :) I cut the letters by hand and created stamped background from many N&T stamps :) I added glittery number 5 :) Lastly I created a simple birthday card and some muffin decorations.
If I am honest I didn't give her muffins because there was already enough candy on the party :)
I really enjoyed making her these cute essentials :) Hope you like it...she did :)
P.S. I can't wait to make some party decor for my little one.....still waiting for him/her :) Hope he/she arrives soon :)
This is how I look right now :))) Few days to go :) |
Supplies used: Neat and Tangled
Journaling alphas - dies, Beary Merry, Prehistoric, Kitty's favourite things, Into the woods, Beach day, Flamingo Floatie, Purrrfect :)